Human Resource

Today, the importance of human resources as knowledgeable and talented employees is not hidden from anyone, especially in service organizations such as banks. Attracting and maintaining these vital resources is considered vital for the organization. The purpose of this research is to investigate the indicators of attracting and maintaining talented human resources in banks. To investigate this issue, a qualitative research method was used and the results of interviews with 6 academic experts and 9 bank managers indicated that the criteria for attracting and retaining talented people in the bank include 16 indicators, of which 7 indicators are related to recruitment and 9 indicators It is related to maintenance. Some indicators of attracting talented employees in the bank are idea-oriented and deconstructive, talent-seeking and justice-oriented recruitment, compliance of recruitment criteria and locations with strategic goals, etc. Some of the indicators of keeping talented employees in the bank are: development and cultivation of talents, experiential succession, creation of equal opportunities for growth, dependence on financing, etc. The results showed that there are differences between the indicators obtained from the interviews of bank managers and academic experts, which indicate the different culture of banks and their specific indicators.

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